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Articles tagged as "Africa ex-SA Equity Fund"

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Guarded optimism on new Zimbabwe dollar

By Nick Ndiritu on 03 Jul 2019

Reading time: 5 mins

This past quarter, Zimbabwe reintroduced its national currency, reviving bitter memories of the hyperinflation period before the infamous Zimbabwe dollar was...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Zimbabwe in transition

By Nick Ndiritu on 06 Jul 2018

Reading time: 6 mins

Zimbabwe’s election on 30 July 2018 heralds a new beginning after the abrupt end to President Robert Mugabe’s 37-year reign in November 2017. We are not...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Tough times for African equities

By Andrew Lapping on 03 Feb 2017

Reading time: 4 mins

Most African equity markets had a difficult 2016, generating negative dollar returns. The worst performers were Egypt and Nigeria, which fell 47% and 41%...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

How to think about risk in Nigeria

By Nick Ndiritu on 11 Jul 2016

Reading time: 4 mins

Our investment approach does not change even during periods of extreme market volatility. As always, we carefully consider investment opportunities where ris...

Insights category - companies

Africa ex-SA Equity Fund: Finding value in Nigeria

By Andrew Lapping on 01 Apr 2016

Reading time: 4 mins

The first quarter of the year was particularly volatile. The Africa ex-SA Equity Fund closed unchanged for the quarter, masking substantial intra-quarter mov...

Insights category - companies

Africa ex-SA Equity Fund: Finding value in Nigeria

By Andrew Lapping on 01 Apr 2016

Reading time: 4 mins

The first quarter of the year was particularly volatile. The Africa ex-SA Equity Fund closed unchanged for the quarter, masking substantial intra-quarter mov...


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